Minggu, 30 September 2012

The Importance of Statistics in Our Society

In today's world we are faced with situations everyday where statistics can be applied. Statistics can be used to determine the potential outcome of thousands of things where the human mind alone wouldn't be able to. Statistics benefits all of us because we are able to predict the future based on data we have previously gathered. Being able to predict the future not only changes our lifestyle but also helps us be more efficient and effective.
With statistics we can determine how we will live a year from now, ten years from now, and so on. This is important because if we didn't have data from the past to look upon, we wouldn't be able to prolong our existence by avoiding recurring climate changes like hurricanes and tsunamis and such. Things like these make our lives easier and help us make educated decisions based on what we already know because of statistics. A good example is that based on data we have gathered from the past, we know that it is extremely likely that in specific parts of the world it will snow during winter and because we know this, we can prepare by having warm clothes ready and the proper equipment to deal with the snow.
Statistics are used all over the world. They can be applied in almost any situation and can always help. They are used in explaining group behavior of organisms, marketing research, and the list goes on and on. A good example is how scientists observe the behavior of groups of animals. Scientists can record data from a group of elephants and determine that a certain percentage of elephant herds will defend themselves from predators while the other percentage may run away. This kind of data can help scientists predict the elephant's lifestyle and culture.
Statistics affects our daily life every day. Researchers use statistics to advertise their products which in turn we the consumer purchase. The price of the products we buy are determined upon statistics which show the demand for the product at that point in time and because of these statistics, we the consumers pay a certain amount of money to buy the product. Another example of how statistics affect me is in school. Every year statistics are looked over and the curriculums for the classes I take are based on data collected in the past. The curriculums are modified and help the learning process.
With these statistics we are able to modify things to make them more effective. This is why statistics is important in the first place - we can improve our lifestyle with statistics. If we know how people have lived in the past and how we have evolved, we can prepare for the future and live longer and evolve more effectively. We can tell from data gathered in the 90's that cigarette smoking in the 10th grade has been slowly declining over the years. From this we can assume that something is being done correctly to bring the statistics down. Another example is that in 1975, the USA started paying more attention to the spousal homicide rates. The USA took the proper precautions to help lower these rates and it worked. Since 1975, the yearly spousal homicide rate has gone down from 2300 to 800. Because of statistics, people were able to make predictions and help save lives.
In conclusion, statistics are a major staple of our world today. They are used in practically any situation and help improve our overall lifestyle. Statistics change the way we think about tomorrow and the way we live today and without them.

Sabtu, 29 September 2012

Mars Fakultas MIPA Universitas Brawijaya

Kami Mahasiswa MIPA Universitas Brawijaya
Disini kami belajar
Disini kami berjuang
Kami kenal MIPA
Kami sayang MIPA
Kami cinta MIPA
Sungguh cinta kamu
Kami mahasiswa MIPA brawijaya
Yang bertakwa, cerdas, dan terampil
Dengan MIPA ku berbakti
Dengan MIPA ku mengabdi
Demi nusa, bangsa, dan negara

Selasa, 25 September 2012

The Importance of Statistics in Today's World

Many people disregard the importance of statistics in today’s world. “Statistics is the science that deals with the collection, classification, analysis, and interpretation of numerical facts or data, and that, by use of mathematical theories of probability, imposes order and regularity on aggregates of more or less disparate elements.” (Dictionary.com).
How exactly would we know how to make decisions without statistics? Statistics gives numbers meaning. And these numbers become vital information to our lives. If we pay close attention, we will see that statistics is everywhere. It is difficult to encounter an article that does not give us some sort of statistical information. In “Airfares Made Easy (or Easier)”, Mr. Etzioni (professor or computer science and engineering) has used statistics to develop a program that will assist customers into finding cheaper airline rates based on how soon they will want their tickets. Without statistics such program would not be viable. Tools like these have been utilized everywhere on the internet. And even though most people do not realize it, it is through the use of statistics that they are made possible. In “The Chemistry of a 90+ wine”, statistics is being used to help detect quality of wines. Enologix, the company responsible for doing such thing, has a database containing information on thousands of wines from all over the world. “McCloskey looks at secondary chemicals (like terpenes, phenols and anthocyanins), which, in affecting more nuanced characteristics like texture, aroma, taste and color, are more closely associated with quality.” said David Darlington.
Statistics is your daily life. If you want to check your average propensity to spend, you can do so. You simply collect data, analyze it, classify it, interpret the numbers and you can come up with an answer. If you want to check your marginal propensity to spend you can do so by using the same method. With the economy the way it is, I think everyone is analyzing how much they are spending and better yet, how much they are saving.
The economy is another example. We are able to see how the economy has been doing throughout the years. If you look at a graph showing you numbers for different years. Guess what? That is statistics. We can see when it is thriving or when it is down with a simple look at a graph. We make predictions as to when it will improve based on GDP, unemployment and a many other assumptions based on information provided to us via statistics.
If we check the weather it can involve statistics. If you want to check the average temperature for today you can do so through the use of statistics. Not just average, but coldest or hottest temperatures on same day in previous years. Weather forecasts and so on.
I work for a luxury outerwear company that server as both retail and service. We not only sell, but we also provide services such as cleaning, storage, remodeling, repairs and so on. We use statistics every day. We have hundreds of customers on our database and without a statistical program to help us assess the information needed, who knows if it would even be possible. Depending on what it is, it could take hours, days or even weeks to get to the information needed. Not to say that we’d need a ware house just to store customers’ files along with new personnel to come up with the information desired. If we want to know the percentage of our customer list that is active we can do so. If we’d like to know what percentage of our customers have purchased new items from us this year, it is doable also. It also shows customers who have not purchased new items, but have used our facility either for storage, cleaning, remodeling and repairs. It shows percentage of yearly sales base on these 4 categories. It shows the amount of inventory available or sold. It shows how much a customer has spent over the years in our store. You can even go to the point where it shows activity of costumers by where they live. If we want to run a sale we know exactly which customers to target. If we want to know which are our most important customers based on spending, we can do that also. Without having statistics how exactly would all this be possible? If we did not have programs that utilized statistics to do these sorts of things, I do not even want to imagine how much harder life would be. It helps improve business. It helps draw business conclusions or help us make predictions. It helps us know where we stand.
T o have anyone say or think that statistics is irrelevant in today’s worlds is nothing, but pure ignorance. It literally is everywhere. And without it, we would be in big trouble.

all about statistika

hey kawan semua,,mungkin pada belum tau ya statistika itu apa dan kegunaannya apa buat hidup kita. Nah, sekarang aku mau ngasi info nih tentang statistika yang punya manfaat di berbagai bidang ini. Baca ya buat nambah pengetahuan kita.. Okkey.. :-)
Statistik dan statistika memiliki pengertian yang berbeda.Statistik adalah penduga, sedangkan Statistika adalah ilmu penduga. Statistik dibagi menjadi 2 yaitu, rata-ratadan ragam(S2).
Langkah-langkahnya yaitu :
1.    Mengumpulkan data
2.    Menganalisis
3.    Menginterpretasikan
Dari langkah- langkah tersebut kita dapat mengartikan bahwa statistika adalah ilmu yang mempelajari tentang cara pengumpulan data,analisis data,dan menginterpretasikan data untuk memperoleh suatu kesimpulan yang bersifat ragu dan beragam. Atas dasar hasil analisis yang ditetapkan kita akan mampu meramalkan kejadian yang akan datang (secara ilmiah) dalam batas- batas yang dibenarkan. Metode statistika ada 2 macam yaitu statistika deskriptif dan statistika inferensial.
Statistika deskriptif adalah metode- metode yang berkaitan dengan pengumpulan data dengan sedikit analisis.
Statistika inferensial adalah metode yang berkaitan dengan analisis data dan interpretasi data dengan menggunakan rumus-rumus untuk kemudian sampai pada peramalan/penarikan kesimpulan mengenai keseluruhan data.
Statistik dapat digunakan dalam berbagai bidang diantaranya : ilmu pengetahuan alam, psikologi,bisnis,pertanian,peternakan,perikanan maupun kedokteran. Teknik dasar bagi pengumpulan dan analisi data adalah sama, tidak bergantung pada bidanmg terapannya. Misalnya seorang ahli kimia melaksanakan suatu percobaan yang melibatkan 3 peubah dan kemudian mengukur jumlah produk yang dihasilkannya. Hasilnya kemudian dianalisis dengan prosedur statistik. Prosedur yang sama dapat pula digunakan untuk menganalisis hasil gabah yang diperoleh dari suatu percobaan pemupukan yang menggunakan 3 macam pupuk, ataupun untuk menganalisis banyaknya produk yang cacat yang dihasilkan oleh 3 buah mesin. Banyak metode statistik yang pada mulanya diterapkan dalam bidang pertanian kemudian terbukti bermanfaat pula bagi bidang- bidang terapan lainnya. 
Pada masa kini banyak perusahaan yang berpangdangan maju mempekerjakan statistikawan untuk ditempatkan pada bagian proses pengendalian mutu, atau membantu dalam program- program periklanan serta penjualan hasil produknya. Dalam bisnis, statistikawan dapat berperan dalam pengambilan keputusan, menganalisis data deret waktu atau membuat bilangan indeks. Memang ststistika merupakan suatu alat ampuh jika diterapkan dengan benar.Kita harus berhati- hati untuk menerapkan hanya prosedur yang benar dan efisien pada suatu kondisi tertentu, agar memperoleh informasi maksimum dari data yang dimiliki.
Istilah-istilah dalam statistika :
Sampel adalah bagian dari keseluruhan data yang pengambilannya bertujuan untuk mengambil kesimpulan dari keseluruhan data tersebut.
Populasi adalah kumpulan/ agregat yang beranggotakan semua nilai yang mungkin dari suatu variabel random/peubah acak.
Contoh :
§  Kumpulan mahasiswa (bukan populasi),mengapa contoh ini bukan merupakan populasi ?? karena cakupannya terlalu luas kurang spesifik.
§  Kumpulan mahasiswa prodi statistika Fakultas MIPA Universitas Brawijaya (populaasi)
Variabel random adalah ciri atau sifat yang khas yang memiliki keragaman (bersifat acak/ random).
Parameter adalah besaran/ nilai yang menjadi ciri dari populasi
Data adalah segala sesuatu yang dapat ditangkap oleh indra manusia
Data dibagi menjadi 2 macam yaitu :
1.    Data Kualitatif : segala sesuatu yang dapat di presentasikan dalam bentuk kualitas.
2.    Data Kuantitatif : segala sesuatu yang dapat dipresentasikan dalam bentuk pembobotan atau nilai.
Data berasal dari kata ”datum” yang berarti jamak atau lebih dari 1. Jadi,data tidak boleh hanya 1. Statistik mempelajari data kuantitatif, karena data tersebut memiliki rata-rata. Sedangkan statistika mempelajari data kualitatif dan data kuantitatif. Untuk dapat menganalisis subuah data kualitatif kita harus melakukan transformasi data. Transformasi data yaitu perubahan data agar bisa dipelajari statistiknya. Untuk dapat melakukan transformasi data kita harus tahu skala data.
Skala data dibagi menjadi 4 tingkatan :
1.   Nominal : skala yang paling rendah tingkatannya dimana angka hanya digunakan untuk mengklasifikasikan objek saja
2.      Ordinal : klasifikasi nominal yang sudah mempunyai tingkatan tetapi jaraknya tidak tentu.
3.      Interval : skala yang mempunyai klasifikasi, tingkatan dan jarak serta memiliki titik awal yang belum tentu = 0
4.      Rasio : skala yang tingkatannya paling tinggi dan datanya sudah berupa data kuantitatif